Goshen College ranked #3 nationally by Washington Monthly

Goshen College was listed third among the “Top 100 National Baccalaureate Colleges” by Washington Monthly magazine, which considers civic engagement, research and social mobility.
The ranking places Goshen College as the top baccalaureate college in Indiana, ahead of the University of Evansville (9), Taylor University (16), Huntington University (37), St. Mary of the Woods (42) and Manchester University (64).
Washington Monthly gave high marks to the college in several areas, including listing GC second for students who go on to earn a Ph.D. and for students who participate in the Peace Corps, and sixth for its graduation rate. Other areas in which the college excelled are in its graduate performance and loan repayment rates.
“Student success drives our work at Goshen College,” said President Jim Brenneman. “We are dedicated to fostering informed, articulate, intercultural and service-oriented students, and this ranking by Washington Monthly only confirms what we hear from our our students, parents and alumni — that Goshen College is a leader in quality higher education and in preparing students for success.”
The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education defines a baccalaureate college as institutions where “bachelor’s degrees accounted for at least 10 percent of all undergraduate degrees and they awarded fewer than 50 master’s degrees.”
Goshen College was also listed as one of the top 100 “Best Bang for the Buck” colleges among all Midwest colleges, again receiving high marks for graduation rate, graduate performance and repayment rank.
With very different criteria than other well-known college rankings, Washington Monthly highlights colleges whose students, faculty and alumni provide “contributions to public good.”
See the full rankings at www.WashingtonMonthly.com/college_guide/