Parables worship team explores the ‘journey’ with song, stories and drama

Parables, Goshen College’s worship ensemble, combines music, original drama and personal stories to create an engaging worship experience in congregations and other venues.
The program for 2016-17 is developed by the eight student members, with direction and leadership from Professor of Music Debra Detwiler Brubaker and administrative support from Dan Koop Liechty. Using dramas, personal faith stories and music from across the globe, the groups will reflect ideas on the theme “The Journey is Our Home.”
Parables includes: Anne Buckwalter, a music major from Wellman, Iowa; Sadie Gustafson-Zook, a music major from Goshen; Galed Krisjayanta, a music major from Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia; Caleb Liechty, a molecular biology/biochemistry major from Archbold, Ohio; Joshua Liechty, a molecular biology/biochemistry major from Archbold, Ohio; Naomi Peters, a molecular biology/biochemistry major from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Emily Stoltzfus, a Spanish and sociology double major from Goshen; and Lukas Thompson, a music major from Goshen.

Parables uses the hymn “Strangers No More” from Hymnal: A Worship Book, as a unifying litany throughout the program. The focus of the program and stories is how life is a journey of encounters with God and with others, experienced intensely through music and community, which becomes our home on the journey. Music shared during the program includes styles as diverse as a setting of Psalm 37 in Latin, a jazz arrangement of an Indonesian song of hope, an arrangement of the American tune “Bright Morning Stars Are Rising,” a gospel tune, and a worship song from Myanmar accompanied by tone chimes.
The students will share their own personal parables of times in their lives when they have experienced God directly and profoundly. The stories speak of emotional healing of self and others, serendipitous encounters that showed the activity of God in their lives, and times in their lives when service to others has been a direct channel to the Divine. Some of these stories are dramatized. A children’s story is included, and an offertory is also available if needed.
2016-17 schedule for Parables:
Sep. 24, 10 a.m. – Performance stage at the Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale, Elkhart County Fairgrounds, Goshen, IN.
Sep. 25, 7 p.m. – Michiana MCC Relief Sale Choir Concert (singing during intermission), Sauder Concert Hall, Goshen College Music Center, Goshen, IN.
Oct. 2, 9:30 a.m. – Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship, Goshen, IN.
Oct. 8, 9 a.m. – Homecoming Alumni Breakfast, College Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall, Goshen, IN.
October 15-21: Fall Break Tour to East Coast (via Archbold and Kidron)
Jan. 20-22 – Camp Friedenswald Jr. High Winter Retreat, Cassopolis, MI.
Feb. 1, 6 p.m. – Pizza & Parables with area youth groups, Rieth Recital Hall, Goshen College Music Center, Goshen, IN.
Mar. 19, 9:30 a.m. – Goshen College, worship for Admitted Student Weekend, Goshen, IN.
Apr. 19, 7 p.m. – Goshen College Home Program, Rieth Recital Hall, Goshen College Music Center, Goshen, IN.
Performance dates are still being confirmed and more will be added throughout the year. For more information about Parables and scheduling the group, contact Dan Koop-Liechty at (574) 535-7002 or e-mail or