14th annual Grief Seminar aims to help support families and foster resilience

Event: 14th annual Grief Seminar: “Good Grief: Supporting Families and Fostering Resilience”
Date and Time: Friday, Sept. 22, 2017, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Location: College Mennonite Church
Cost: $70 registration, $30 for students/retirees ($85/$40 after Sept. 8) (includes lunch, resources and continuing education certificate)
Sponsored by: Goshen College Social Work Education Program and Ryan’s Place. For more information or to register: visit goshen.edu/register/grief-seminar/
The 14th annual Grief Seminar, “Good Grief: Supporting Families and Fostering Resilience,” will take place on Friday, Sept. 22 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at College Mennonite Church on the Goshen College campus. Participants will explore topics related to grief, families and resilience. This annual continuing education event is a collaborative effort between Ryan’s Place, a center for grieving children and families, and the Social Work Education Program at Goshen College.
“Everyone is affected by grief at multiple points throughout our lives,” said Jeanne Liechty, professor and director of the social work program at Goshen College. “It behooves all of us, and most especially helping professionals, to increase our understanding of grief so that we can do our part in helping foster resilience and health in our community.”
Donna Schuurman, an internationally recognized expert on the topic of children’s grief amd senior director for advocacy and training and executive director emeritus at The Dougy Center for Grieving Children and Families, will be presenting a day-long seminar. Schuurman is an internationally recognized speaker, and her keynote address will focus on how to foster resilience in the aftermath of trauma and loss and how best to support families cope with a loved one’s death.
“What we do - and what we fail to do - when children and their families are coping with trauma and loss, may influence them throughout the rest of their lives,” Schuurman said. “Understanding ways to support them and foster resiliency are skills that will serve anyone professionally or personally who wants to help. Our youth and families coping with suicide, trauma, and untimely deaths need competent and caring communities in which to grieve and find support.”
“We are pleased to bring Dr. Donna Schuurman to Northern Indiana,” said Aileac Deegan, CEO of Ryan’s Place,” said Deegan. “As a member of the National Alliance for Grieving Children, Ryan’s Place has forged a close working relationship with the Alliance and Dr. Schuurman. Her written work about bereaved children, adults and families is utilized extensively at Ryan’s Place.”
The seminar is especially recommended for social workers, educators, school counselors, marriage and family therapists, mental health workers, school nurses, law enforcement officers, funeral home directors and other human service professionals who work with children and families. Continuing Education Units are available for participants.
This seminar is made possible by the generous grant provided by the Community Foundation of Elkhart County.
The cost for registration before the early registration deadline on Sept. 8 is $70 for the general public ($85 after the deadline) and $30 for students ($40 after deadline). Online registration is available at goshen.edu/register/grief-seminar/.
The registration fee includes lunch, snacks, a resource notebook, access to the vendor fair and a continuing education certificate.
For further seminar information contact Veronica Berkey at Goshen College at (574) 535-7400 or e-mail vberkey@goshen.edu. Or visit www.goshen.edu/sowk for more information and to register online.