Homecoming 2019
Homecoming Weekend is your chance to return to campus, meet up with out friends, introduce your family to Goshen College and enjoy food, music, theater, games and more!
Homecoming Weekend is your chance to return to campus, meet up with out friends, introduce your family to Goshen College and enjoy food, music, theater, games and more!
For Jared Zook ’15, video games have become the source of his income and full-time job. Zook has grossed over 68 million views and has 379,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel.
Goshen College’s Study-Service Theology Term (SSTT) is currently seeking high school applicants for a two-week study experience in Guatemala in June 2020.
This year, Goshen College celebrates its 125 anniversary - the quasquicentennial - of being Elkhart County’s first and only four-year, residential, private college.
The Annual Grief Seminar, with guest speaker Dr. Pamela Gabbay, is co-hosted by Ryan’s Place and the Goshen College Social Work Education Program, and in partnership this year with the Community Foundation of Elkhart County.
Goshen College will begin offering a new class this fall for adult and continuing education students focusing on Apple's Swift programming language. Classes meet once per week on Thursday evenings, between Sept. 19 and Nov. 21. Learn more at goshen.edu/swift.
Timothy Stoltzfus-Dueck, a theoretical physicist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), has won a DOE Early Career Research Award for exceptional scientists in the early stages of their careers.
Since 2005, more than 600 students have traveled to Peru in 37 units, forging connections with host families, teachers, colleagues and friends that cross cultural boundaries.
Much has changed for Rachel Ries in the two decades since she attended Goshen College, including her hairstyle.
Taliah Borom, a senior at Goshen College studying Spanishwith a marketing minor, said she never knew anything about coding and didn’t consider it until Brave.