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Archives for 2020

Senior Athlete Spotlight: Donnae Lipinski ’20, Track & Field

"Our team really appreciated Donnae, because she was willing to try anything," said head coach Rustin Nyce. "During her first year in track, she placed 4th in the shot put but also ran a leg of the 4x100 meter relay. That's the type of person and athlete that she is. She was willing to put her teammates first. Donnae performed well in the field, but was even more so a top-level teammate."

Senior Athlete Spotlight: Seth Weaver ’20, Track and Field

"Seth is an athlete," said head coach Rustin Nyce. "His strength is in middle distance, but he worked to build himself into a good all-around runner. He joined our team his junior year and we were glad to have him join. He threw himself into the training and showed a willingness to work. I am thankful that Seth joined and provided the leadership he did. Despite his lack of experience in distance running, Seth worked hard to lead our team and become a good runner."