High school applicants sought for Study-Service Theology Term in Guatemala

Goshen College’s Study-Service Theology Term (SSTT) is currently inviting high school applicants for a two-week study experience in Guatemala in June 2022.
Participants are selected through a competitive application process and will be drawn from students from any Christian denominational group in the United States who have completed their sophomore, junior or senior year by June 2022, with some priority given to students from African-American, Latino or Asian communities. The deadline to apply has been extended to Nov. 21, 2021.
“Our Study-Service Theology Term goal — to help young people learn to think theologically and to consider churchly vocations — has been embodied in the young people who have undertaken this journey to Guatemala,” said Keith Graber Miller, professor of Bible, religion and philosophy at Goshen College and SSTT program director.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc., SSTT participants will pay just $100 once they are selected into the program.
The program will take place from June 8 through June 28, 2022, including orientation and reorientation on Goshen’s campus and two weeks in Guatemala.
One previous students’ journal entry reads: “Learning about Jesus and theology makes connecting with people and engaging with them a unique experience. It’s one I hope that I never forget.”
Upon completion of the SSTT program, students will receive academic credit in religion through Goshen College.
“We hope young people in the program are able to think about the decisions, choices and commitments Jesus made during his brief life — commitments to the oppressed, to social justice, and to caring for those on society’s margins — and then apply those learnings to their own faith and life,” said Graber Miller.
To apply, go to goshen.edu/SSTT. If you have questions, contact Graber Miller at keithgm@goshen.edu or 574.535.7436.