Goshen College

Fall mainstage production of Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ inspired by post-punk setting

Fall Mainstage Play: “Twelfth Night: Or What You Will” by William Shakespeare
Date and time: Nov. 10, 11, 18 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 12 and 19 at 2:30 p.m.
Location: Umble Center
Cost: $10 adults | $5 seniors and children | Free for GC students, staff and faculty
Tickets: goshen.edu/tickets or by calling 574-535-7566

In this fall’s mainstage play, “Twelfth Night: Or What You Will,” the Goshen College Theater Department draws inspiration from post-punk youth culture in London, circa 1980, giving a new setting to the classic Shakespeare gender-bending romantic comedy. It will be performed on Friday, Nov. 10; Saturday, Nov. 11 and Saturday, Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 12 and 19 at 2:30 p.m. in Umble Center.

The play is directed by Amy Budd, assistant professor of theater, and features the work of Jonathan Sabo, adjunct professor of theater (scenic design), and local guest artists Marilyn Mason (costume design) and Robin Lambert (makeup and hair design).

Budd said of the post-punk setting, “At that time, a whole society told young folks they wouldn’t amount to anything. The punks rebelled in 1977. Over the next few years, a resolute culture of creativity arose from the remains of punks’ defiance. It started with a few friends meeting up each Tuesday night to listen to records. Their creativity ended up changing the world.”

“As an educator,” she added, “I often notice that I learn as much from my students as I teach them. Goshen College’s students fill me with optimism. The book of Isaiah asserts that ‘a little child shall lead them.’ What if we accept the leadership these young people are ready to offer? Perhaps there is a just, kind world awaiting us all.”

“Twelfth Night” is appropriate for all ages, although the show may be most enjoyable for those aged 11 and up.

Performing Ensemble: Phillip Witmer-Rich, Mairin Mendoza, Jocsan Barahona Rosales, Irish Cortez, Dontaye Albert, Terran (Teo) Kingsley, Fatima Zahara, Hermione Bean-Mills, Ray Tait, Naomi Klassen, Miguel Pineda Vasquez, Leif Billings, Daniel Stoltzfus, Jacob Stoltzfus, Liam Bird

Director: Amy Budd
Dramaturg: Hermione Bean-Mills
Producer: Amy Budd
Technical Director: Jacob Claassen
Assistant Technical Director: Fatima Zahara
Theater Operations Coordinator: Triest Fisher
Stage Manager: Sarah Bailey
Assistant Stage Managers: Katie Baker and Meredith Blossom
Scenic Designer: Jonathan Sabo
Costume Designer: Marilyn Mason
Lighting Designer: Joseph Mounsithiraj
Sound Designer: Matija Margetic
Lead Carpenter: Dontaye Albert
Wardrobe Manager: Mairin Mendoza