First-year students read the Welcome Week poster, on which each new student wrote a few words about their own identities.

Enrollment rises in 2024

With an incoming class of 201 first years and 50 transfers, Goshen College’s enrollment jumped at the start of the 2024-25 school year. The school has roughly 25 percent more incoming students than it did last year, and roughly 6 percent more than the average of the last ten years.

Athletic recruitment this year was also much higher than in the past — 97 of the 201 first-years are student-athletes, up from 60 last year. A significant part of this growth was the addition of men’s and women’s bowling teams. Wolma said he was “extremely pleased with the efforts of our coaches. They really worked hard at it and they adapted.”

A new first-year student receives her ceremonial mug at the end of Welcome Week in August 2024.

Additionally, the admissions department created new opportunities for recruiting students, including hosting events like the Nursing and Public Health Day and building intradepartmental initiatives. With more students staying closer to home for college, GC also continued to increas its focus on regional admissions, strengthening relationships with area high schools.

Wolma summed up the rise in admissions as something unique. “An education at Goshen College can provide a more conscientious, examined approach to life — and that’s something that our students and their families are understanding as valuable,” he said.