Goshen College announces spring 2005-06 Dean’s List

GOSHEN, Ind. — Goshen College recently recognized 212 students, for excellence in academics, on the 2005-06 spring semester Dean’s List.

The Dean’s List includes students earning at least a 3.8 GPA, while completing at least 12 hours of course work for a letter grade and taking no courses credit-elect. Current seniors who have a cumulative GPA of 4.0 are exempt from the 12-hour criteria and credit-elect. Only grades from the designated semester are included in the Dean’s List selection process.

Students earning at least a 3.6 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) in Goshen College Division of Adult and External Studies also are included in the list – a significant achievement since most DAES students are working adults taking highly personalized night classes.

The college initiated its Dean’s List during the first semester of the 1999-2000 school year as part of its Honors Program, which highlights the college’s liberal arts excellence and includes an honors colloquium for first-year students, honors seminars, an Annual Student Research Symposium, internships and an honors degree. The list celebrates the achievement of students who have met high academic standards and can motivate students preparing for graduate studies, according to Anita Stalter, Goshen’s academic dean, vice president for academic affairs and professor of education.

Editors: For more information about this release, contact Goshen College News Bureau Director Jodi H. Beyeler at (574) 535-7572 or jodihb@goshen.edu.


Goshen College, established in 1894, is a four-year residential Christian liberal arts college rooted in the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition. The college’s Christ-centered core values – passionate learning, global citizenship, compassionate peacemaking and servant-leadership – prepare students as leaders for the church and world. Recognized for its unique Study-Service Term program, Goshen has earned citations of excellence in Barron’s Best Buys in Education, “Colleges of Distinction,” “Making a Difference College Guide” and U.S.News & World Report’s “America’s Best Colleges” edition, which named Goshen a “least debt college.” Visit www.goshen.edu.

Suzana R. Arsenovic
Miriam B. Augsburger
Teresa J. Bartal
Krista H. Bergey
Erin M. Boers
Melanie J. Brown
Dominique C. Burgunder-Johnson
Kirstin S. Docken
Amanda M. Entz
Amanda J. Esh
Jocelyn K. Fong
Andrew H. Froese
Erin L. Gotwals
Hannah J. Graber
David W. Haire
Katherine B. Harnish
Joseph R. Hartman
Kirsten S. Hartwig
Elizabeth A. Heiks
Aubrey D. Helmuth
Melanie L. Histand
Matthew R. Hochstetler
Zebulon Y. Holsopple
Isaac W. Hooley
Dawit Y. Kebede
Nathan B. Kurtz
Adrienne L. Landis
Laura M. Landis
Jeffrey S. Liechty
Katrina M. Maust
Hilary A. Mayhew
Luke D. Miller
Mary E. Miller
Robert P. Miller
Bethany K. Nussbaum
Trang T. Pham
Leah R. Roggie
Sarah A. Rohrer
Sarah E. Roth
Glenn H. Schumacher
Yonathan Shibru
Marcos A. Stoltzfus
Emily R. Stuckey
Sarah A. Thiessen
Pauline E. Thompson
Joshua R. Weaver
Travis L. Weaver
Jenna R. Wysong
Rachel M. Yantzi
Adam D. Yoder
Benjamin L. Yoder
Kyle M. Yoder
Tara S. Yoder
Amanda K. Zehr
Amanda E. Zimmerman
Johnny Amazan
Bethany L. Bauman
Nicole O. C. Bauman
Eric B. Bixler
Matthew S. Crawford
Jessica N. David
Hannah M. Eash
Rebecca J. Fath
Garrett R. Gingerich
Christina M. Gosteli
Justin B. Heinz
Emily C. Hershberger
Jessica N. R. Hertsel
Jonathan B. Hoover
Nathan A. Horner
Stephanie L. Kennell
Alana M. King
Peter R. Koontz
Luke N. Kreider
Sherilyn S. Lackey
Hope E. Langeland
Aaron R. Leichty
Elizabeth A. Martin
Mary Jo Martin
Anna E. Mast
Nicholas E. McCormick
Christine D. Miller
Joel M. Miller
Erica L. Nofziger
Victor B. Oyeyemi
Diana E. Perez
Anika J. Roth
Sara Sem
Roxanne Shimek
Rachel E. Slentz
Kathryn R. Stutzman
Sarah A. Swartzendruber
Claire E. Swora
Rozalia J. Tadjer
Angela D. Taylor
Peter C. Widmer
Sarah E. Wilson
Anna N. Yoder
Emily R. Yoder
Jason A. Yoder
Melanie D. Antram
Amanda A. Beachy
Janie M. Beck
Elizabeth I. Buschert
Jonathon Casselberry-Scott
Katharine E. Derstine
Krista L. Ehst
Rebecca K. Friesen
Cacia J. Frisbie
Khai Teng Gan
Samantha M. Groh
Emily C. Habschmidt
Lauren R. Hall
Matthew Y. Harms
Michael L. Honderich
Drew E. Horst
Benjamin M. Jacobs
Jesse M. Landis-Eigsti
Christina J. Leichty
Laura M. Lintz
Jonathan A. Meyer
Benjamin M. Noll
Jose L. Robledo
Natalie J. Schmucker
Paul B. Shetler
Jesse J. Shirk-Byler
Timothy C. Showalter
Emily R. Swora
Eduardo A. Vargas
Hillary A. Watson
Melissa A. Weaver-Yoder
Kelly N. Wiebe
Andy A. Yoder
Matthew J. Yoder
Matthew S. Yoder
First years
Lydette S. Assefa
Paul E. M. Boers
Analisa Gerig-Sickles
Sheldon C. Good
Laura E. Harnish
Christina M. Histand
Abri A. Houser
Emily K. Iehle
Dara Joy Jaworowicz
Kaleem L. Kheshgi
Andrew G. Landis
Brent G. Lehman
Michael L. Martin
Kelly N. Mast
Benjamin D. Miller
Lane K. Miller
Peter N. Miller
David Y. Neufeld
Andrea J. Nielsen
Mercy A. Oyana
Rebecca J. Plaster
Matthew J. Plummer
Joshua A. Richer
Leah R. Roth
Philip B. Schmidt
Benjamin J. Shenk
Amy L. Showalter
Leslee S. Smucker
Richard W. Thomas
Joshua M. Tyson
Daniel T. Vader
Amanda L. Weybright
Gregory J. Yoder
Jesse B. Yoder
Tyler J. Yoder
Minerva Andriotis
Jacque Baker
Shirley Betts
Kelly Boomershine
Jaimee Bucks
Grace Carpenter
Patty Chapman
Julie Crossley
Emilie Curtis
Lea Dibert
Lynda Fleming
Jolane Garmire
Melissa Gephart
Rosemary Gest
Cindy Hayes
Tracy Hoose
Tracy Jaeger
Cynthia Johnson
Paula Kaiser
Lori Kaminski
Pamela Kaser
Trisha Kettering
Michael Martin
Deb McGuire-Kloko
Cindy Mireley
Kim Nymeyer
Susan Pierce
Mary Pries
Christina Reisinger
John Schoonover
Gerri Schwartz
Rose Shetler
Kathy Shreiner
Kathy St. Louis
Beth Stearns
Heidi Stoffel
Kathy VanKlaveren
Christina Wagner
Angela Wireman
Garner Wireman
Adam Yoder
David Yoder
Linda Yoder
Linda Young