Exercise science major added

>> Find out more about the differences between the physical education and exercise science majors with our helpful decision diagram.
To better address the needs of students and expand opportunities for them, Goshen College is both adding a new exercise science major and changing the Physical Education Department to the Kinesiology Department.
The exercise science major at Goshen College is for students interested in focusing specifically on the scientific aspects of physical education, such as exercise physiology, biomechanics, motor learning and exercise testing. Students also learn how to help people live healthier lives through nutrition, exercise and injury rehabilitation. “We are not moving away from physical education teaching, but we are expanding opportunities for students within the department,” said Dr. Jewel Lehman, Goshen College Professor of Kinesiology and chair of the department.
The exercise science major will be a rigorous program requiring anatomy, physiology and chemistry. Students who are successful in the program will be prepared for careers in exercise science and for graduate school. Exercise science majors have the option of getting a concentration in fitness leadership.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that participation in recreational sports is at an all-time high in society as people seek the positive effects sports and exercise can have on their whole health. Because of this trend, there is an increasing need for people with exercise science majors.
In terms of the department name change, “the name kinesiology more accurately describes current programming in our department at Goshen College,” Lehman said. “Kinesiology is a broad term which refers to the scientific study of human movement and it incorporates the varied areas of study within the discipline. Our department is evolving with the discipline and this growth merits the name change. Scholarly study, experience and professional practice are all included as important aspects within the program.”
With these changes, the Kinesiology Department will now offer majors in physical education and exercise science. Minors are available in sport management, physical education, exercise science, health, and sport and recreation. Students have the option of teaching (K-12 grades) with a physical education major or getting a coaching endorsement.