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A group formed a few years ago to live together, simply and intentionally. Prairie Wolf Collective is growing and changing.
Zulma Prieto '01 started El Puente, the first Spanish-language newspaper in the state of Indiana, in 1992, calling it “a bridge between cultures.”
Errick McCollum '10 was part of the Overseas Elite team which split $1 million after winning The Basketball Tournament in New York Sunday, Aug. 2, 2015.
Jesse Sensenig '01 and his wife, Amanda '03, are finding success after bringing their passion for craft brewing to Goshen.
Regina Shands Stoltzfus '84 is a professor of peace, justice and conflict studies at Goshen College, where she teaches about race, class and ethnic relations, personal violence and healing, and transforming conflict and violence. She is co-founder of the Roots of Justice Anti-Oppression program (formerly Damascus Road).
J. Nelson Kraybill '78 will be installed as president of the World Mennonite Conference on Saturday, July 25, 2015, at the Farm Show Arena in Harrisburg, Pa.
An entrepreneurial spirit pervades this diverse community, led by many Goshen College alumni.
David Maugel '92 was selected as one of 11 principals to serve as a statewide mentor for the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute.
What if a significant number of members of Mennonite Church USA would say we’re sick and tired of being part of a denomination racked by conflict over same-sex issues?