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Alumni and Indiana natives return to showcase sculptures and installation art Jan. 8 to Feb. 15 at Goshen College

As Goshen College alumni and Indiana natives Greg Stahly and Liz Nofziger return to their alma mater and show their sculptures and installation art this month, they intend for their work to ask interesting and important questions. Stahly's sculptures ask: What is the effect of the perpetual progress that we have come to expect from our society and the systems we have created? Nofziger's video installation titled "Precious" asks: What is precious and innocent?

Goshen College announces 2005 Culture for Service Award honorees and launches Decade of Servant Leadership Award, to be given during Homecoming Weekend

Awarded by the Goshen College Alumni Board, the 2005 Culture for Service Award will be presented to 1955 graduate Hans J. Hillerbrand, published scholar and religion professor at Duke University in Durham, N.C., and 1968 graduate Ramzi Farran and 1969 graduate Carol Farran, a high school chemistry teacher and nurse researcher, respectively, from Oak Park, Ill. Justin Rothshank, a Goshen native and 2000 graduate who now lives and works in Pittsburgh, Pa., will be the first recipient of the Decade of Servant Leadership Award.