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Exec. Dir. of Merry Lea Luke Gascho on “The Future Church Summit: Light, Salt and Tenacity” – Mennonite Church USA

Being connected to the Mennonite Church is a stream that runs deeply through my life. My heritage has long roots in the Anabaptist tradition for which I am grateful. But my connection consists of much more than an ethnic, cultural and familial basis. While each of these elements plays a role in whom I am, I find the deepest connection in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

‘Sisterhood in Florida’ by Anita Hooley Yoder ’07 – The Mennonite

While I was working on a book about Mennonite women’s organizations, I wanted to experience diverse and vibrant Mennonite women’s activities firsthand. I met interesting people and heard important stories at women’s gatherings across the country. But it was a trip to south Florida in November 2015 that provided an especially unique and inspiring glimpse of what Mennonite women are up to today.