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Archives for Campus Events Category

Umble Master Class: “Learning to use your voice well,” Dr. Allan Rudy-Froese

Dr. Allan Rudy-Froese, a seminary professor of preaching and a certified voice coach , will be the Umble Master Class presenter at Goshen College and presenting a public keynote address, “Learning to Use Your Voice Well,” on Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. in the Umble Center. In this interactive presentation, he will share highlights of his voice coach training at Linklater Centre in Scotland. The event is free and open to the public. 

Goshen College presents 20th annual ‘Festival of Carols’ musical celebration

Goshen College will present the 20th annual musical celebration of Christmas, “A Festival of Carols,” a special celebration that features four choirs and an orchestra, along with audience participation on traditional carols, all in a concert hall festively decorated with garlands, lights and trees. “A Festival of Carols” is patterned on a traditional English worship service, and features Christmas carols, spirituals, scripture readings and sacred works of music for the holiday season. Performers include the Goshen College Chamber Choir, Vox Profundi, Voices of the Earth, Goshen College Symphony Orchestra and Shout For Joy Children’s Choir. The audience will also be invited to join the choirs to sing familiar carols during the performance. Tickets are now available for any of the three performances on Dec. 1, 2 or 3.