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Archives for GC Community Category

Beyond burgers and fries: Campus dining hall incorporates care for the earth and students’ bodies

College dining halls are known for large amounts of food thrown away by students, for grease-laden burgers and chicken nuggets and for preparing mass quantities of food straight from the freezer section that would never be considered "fresh." But something different is going on in the Goshen College Dining Hall, with the AVI Fresh food service provider leading the way in caring for the health and taste buds of each student and for the well-being of the earth. In 2009, when the college was choosing a new food service provider, these qualities were what set them apart.

New book offers first introduction to Amish spirituality and religious beliefs

On Oct. 2, 2006, the world was stunned by the killings of five Amish schoolgirls in a small schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, Pa. Within hours, the Amish community forgave the gunman and rallied around his family. It was an act of compassion and forgiveness so powerful, so unbelievable, and for many, so questionable that it led three authors who know the Amish well to write a book about the role of forgiveness in Amish culture, "Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy."

New book offers Burkholder’s essays on ‘prophetic peacemaking’

Goshen College Professor Emeritus of Religion J.R. Burkholder's life and work as ethicist, church leader and social change agent spanned and influenced dramatic changes in 20th-century Mennonite peace theology and ecumenical engagements. A collection of 30 of his most insightful essays on pacifism, patriotism, public witness, Mennonite ethics, health care, stewardship, vocation, service and other issues of discipleship have been collected and edited into the new book Prophetic Peacemaking (Herald Press).