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Archives for President Category

President’s speech: “Sowing Compassion! On Becoming Compassionate Peacemakers”

Each year Goshen College spends an entire year focused on one of the five core values that lie at the heart and soul of our community life. . . becoming Christ-centered, passionate learners, compassionate peacemakers, servant leaders, and global citizens. Today, we begin a year-long workout about the meaning, the significance, and the consequences of living out the core value of “compassionate peacemaking.”

President’s sermon: “Love in the Clouds of Unknowing”

“You have held newborns in Nicaragua, taught English in Cambodia, served the deaf community in Peru, held basketball camps down the street. You have learned to live lives of service and learning on every inhabitable continent on earth. By my estimation, in the four years you were here at Goshen College, all students, along with faculty, staff, and administrators, showed God’s love for others with more than 60,000 service hours per year that you were here. You, my dear students, have embodied a ‘love that surpasses knowledge.’”