Students spend fall break serving in Puerto Rico
Five Goshen College students traveled to Puerto Rico during fall break, Oct. 15-19, to serve with Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) in an area affected by Hurricane Maria in September 2017.
Five Goshen College students traveled to Puerto Rico during fall break, Oct. 15-19, to serve with Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) in an area affected by Hurricane Maria in September 2017.
Goshen College sophomore Mariane Grace was crowned the 2018 Miss Apple Blossom queen at the annual pageant Thursday night, opening night of the Nappanee festival.
This August, Janell Preheim and Abigail Greaser, two Goshen College music majors, were invited to perform at MusicFest Perugia in Perugia, Italy, a prestigious international music festival, along with Goshen College Professor of Music Solomia Soroka.
For Autism Acceptance Month, Kory Stoneburner-Betts writes about his experience with autism and perceptions in the media.
Eight out of ten Goshen College students are satisfied with their college experience and, overall, experienced higher levels of satisfaction with their college experience than the national average, according to the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI), a biennial national survey administered to college students at more than 300 four-year private schools.
See Goshen through the eyes of Hugh Birky.
Brothers Spencer '18 and Stuart '21 Aeschliman helped the Maple leaf men's soccer team to its most successful season in a decade.
While most Goshen College students went home for fall break in October for a week of relaxation and recuperation, five students from GC’s Service Club ventured to West Virginia to volunteer for Sharing With Appalachian People (SWAP).
Through his SST, second-year Goshen student Isaac Longenecker had the opportunity to meet, face-to face, makers working with Ten Thousand Villages fair trade partner Manos Amigas.
Yazan Meqbil, a junior molecular biology/biochemistry major from Palestine, spoke on Capitol Hill to U.S. lawmakers on Thursday, June 8, during an event sponsored by Defense for Children International marking 50 years of Israeli military occupation and examining life for Palestinian children.