Goshen College welcomes Great March for Climate Action
Goshen College and College Mennonite Church welcomed walkers participating in the Great March for Climate Action on Monday, Sept. 15.
Goshen College and College Mennonite Church welcomed walkers participating in the Great March for Climate Action on Monday, Sept. 15.
Fall Opening Convocation message, delivered by Dr. James E. Brenneman, President of Goshen College, on Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2014, in the Goshen College Church-Chapel (as prepared for delivery)
Luke Gascho, a founder of Hoosier Interfaith Power and Light, said it was critical for religious leaders to weigh in on the issue.“More people are recognizing this is a responsibility for us in the faith community to pay attention to,” said Gascho, who is director of the Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center at Goshen College.
Gretchen Geyer, a senior social work major from Parnell, Iowa, came up with the idea a year ago in a social work class. Her efforts to make the Goshen College campus an “idle free” zone were realized last week.
NatureFest, an annual spring festival held at Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College in Wolf Lake, Ind., will take place Friday, May 9, 6:30 p.m. through Saturday, May 10, 3 p.m. NatureFest includes a 5-K run, hikes for all ages and interests, and booths with hands-on interactive nature activities. Camping overnight is an option. For a schedule, see merrylea.goshen.edu or call 260-799-5869.
They aren't just weeds, and some in the Goshen community already know of the plant's delicious possibilities.
Goshen College has worked in recent years to restore several acres of lawn to native landscaping. Part of that initiative is simulating naturally occurring fires by establishing a controlled burn. The Goshen College Ecological Stewardship Committee is working to make Goshen College a “tree campus,” similar to the “tree city” concept started by the Arbor Day Foundation.
Students in separate projects held a controlled burn of a prairie field area near Sauder Music Hall and planted trees around campus in order to try and establish it as a “tree campus.”
Three institutions affiliated with the Mennonite Education Agency – Bluffton University in Ohio, Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia, and Goshen College – have joined forces to launch “The Collaborative MBA” to shape “transformative leaders.”
Goshen College recently earned a silver rating from the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) report, which recognizes colleges and universities for their commitment to sustainable practices on campus.