Fall Choral Concert
Goshen College choirs will perform their fall concert virtually at 7:30 p.m.
Goshen College choirs will perform their fall concert virtually at 7:30 p.m.
Join us as we stream last year’s Homecoming Music Gala at 7:30 p.m. EST. See all the GC music ensembles as they presented their first concert of the year in 2019.
Join President Stoltzfus ’83 and Jodi Beyeler ’00, vice president for communications and people strategy, for a brief update on the college and a chance to answer your questions via Zoom chat.
Join the faculty and students of the Communication Department in viewing the recently completed Center for Communication Studies.
Luke Gascho, retired Executive Director of the Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center, will share his research on the history of Elkhart County. He has done extensive research about the land, which was home to the Potawatomi people, and how the tribe was impacted by settlers to the area.
Glenn Gilbert, retired director of facilities, will present on the decades long work that he led to increase energy efficiency on campus. He will show how even though the campus has significantly increased building square footage, the environmental footprint has shrunk.
Join members of the Latino Student Union, a recent GC Latina graduate and their adviser, Richard Aguirre, for a presentation about the Latinx students’ experience at GC.
Regina Shands Stoltzfus ’84, professor of peace, justice and conflict studies, and Robert Brenneman, professor of criminal justice and sociology, will introduce one of GC’s newest programs, the criminal justice and restorative justice major. Learn more about this new program and ask questions you may have.
Shashi Buluswar, CEO of the Institute for Transformative Technologies (ITT) will present a virtual lecture titled "Decolonizing 'Culture for Service': A New Paradigm for Impact in the Developing World" on Thursday, Oct. 1 at 7:30 p.m.
GC Talks & Yoder Public Affairs Lecture: Elizabeth Bennion, “Presidential Election Preview: What Voters Need to Know” Date and time: Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Location to view: Webinar link | goshen.edu/livestream, facebook.com/goshencollege Cost: Free and open to the public…