Goshen ranked 8th most affordable private college in Midwest – WSBT
Students are returning to Goshen College for the start of a new academic year, and as parents move them in they can feel a little better about sending their children.
Students are returning to Goshen College for the start of a new academic year, and as parents move them in they can feel a little better about sending their children.
Like other small, private colleges and universities across the state, Goshen College officials say they continue to compete for students while focusing on providing high-quality education at a lower out-of-pocket cost to students.
The past several years at Goshen College have marked times of excitement and transition. This year will be no exception, the college’s leader said.
Goshen College students moved onto campus Saturday, preparing for the 2014-2015 academic year which begins Monday.
Goshen’s schools, businesses and officials want to tell stories of the good that comes out of their city.
The tech company Eric Kanagy, a 2003 Goshen College graduate, started in 2007 could have been located anywhere.
Mosquitos are more than just pesky; they can make you sick. Though there's been concern lately about Chikungunya Virus, experts say mosquito borne illnesses, like West Nile, may not be as dangerous as scientists once thought.
The first annual Arts on the Millrace highlighted Goshen’s growing number of entrepreneurial artisans. Take a closer look at some of them in this feature video from Goshen College student Abby Deaton.
Nayo Ulloa visits the Elkhart County Juvenile Detention Center in Goshen twice a week to connect with teens through art and creativity.