Archives for GC in the News Category
A closer look at Amish communities in America with Steve Nolt – Michigan Public Radio

Joan Miller Block ’82, Hepatitis B Foundation co-founder, honored by the Centers for Disease Control Foundation
Striving for Racial Harmony at Evangelical Colleges – Huffington Post
Goshen College gets ‘A-‘ for financial health – Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly
Goshen College ranked on Obama’s website – The Goshen News
Goshen police reach out to Latinos -Goshen News, featuring Gilberto Perez, Jr.
“Some local high school grads may be putting off college” in the Elkhart Truth
“First-day jitters or comfortable routine? Teachers talk about the coming school year” in the Elkhart Truth
Teachers in Elkhart County are busy readying for the first day of school. Whether it’s their first year teaching or their 15th, these men and women all have a mission to impact students’ lives for the better. Here, a few local teachers share their thoughts on teaching and on the upcoming school year.