“Goshen College undergoing campus changes this summer” in the Elkhart Truth
By etruth.com
“Work on GC projects outlined” in the Goshen News
By goshennews.com
“Elkhart County’s undocumented immigrants persist in face of obstacles to college” in the Elkhart Truth
By etruth.com
“Job market friendlier but still challenging for college graduates” in the Elkhart Truth
By etruth.com
“Goshen music venue offers an intimate experience” in the Goshen News
By goshennews.com
“Colleges aim to hold grads’ debt in check” in the Mennonite World Review
By mennoworld.org
"Goshen College students perform history play to elementary school students" in the Elkhart Truth
By elkharttruth.com
“Goshen College students perform history play to elementary school students” in the Elkhart Truth
By etruth.com
Letter to the editor: “Many reasons to miss Mr. Jantzi” in the Goshen News about Don Jantzi ’72
By goshennews.com
“Goshen College planning to drain its swimming pool” in the Elkhart Truth
By etruth.com