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Archives for GC News Category

Goshen College announces 2011-12 Performing Arts Series lineup

The 2011-12 season of the Goshen College Performing Arts Series will again bring extraordinary and top quality arts performances to the college, including Manhattan Transfer; Mary Chapin Carpenter; Carolina Chocolate Drops; Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg; Choral Masterpieces With Vance George, Toledo Symphony and GC Choirs; Mark O'Conner Hot Swing; and Cherish The Ladies. In addition, this year's lineup includes a family-friendly performance of Zoo Zoo by the innovative Imago Theater.

Goshen College launches unique residential Sustainability Semester at Merry Lea

Goshen College is announcing a new, unique opportunity for undergraduate students to earn a semester of college credit in a fairly unconventional way. Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College will offer (beginning in the fall of 2011) the Sustainability Semester in Residence for students to live and learn in Indiana's first platinum-rated LEED® facility located on a 1,189-acre nature preserve. A cohort of six to 15 students will engage complex problems related to the regional watershed.

Speech about migrant farm workers wins this year’s peace oratorical contest

Jair Hernandez, a Goshen College sophomore, said that "Migrant farm workers really are the invisible backbone of the American agricultural system," during his speech titled "Migrant Farm Workers," that won first place in the annual Goshen College C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest on Feb. 22. Hernandez, a public relations major from Goshen, was one of six Goshen College students who spoke about a variety of peace and justice issues during the contest.