Stay in touch with what’s happening at Goshen College from home. Follow any of the links below to subscribe/unsubscribe to e-mail newsletters that Goshen College publishes.
Subscribe to GC News
A daily synopsis of Goshen College news stories/press releases written or shared by the Communications and Marketing Office. See the GC News Archive to get a flavor of what this newsletter contains.
A weekly listing of the coming week’s events at Goshen College. This includes concerts, lectures, sports, holidays, and more—all pulled from the GC Web events calendar. You can view a sample newsletter. It comes out every Friday morning.
Alternatively, sign up for our monthly events email. This email includes more information about music, theater, art and special events on campus. Sign up here.
We also provide RSS and iCal, and WebCal feeds for the Events Calendar and each of its categories.
GoLeafs (athletics) calendar
A weekly update of sports news, results, and upcoming games/meets, from GoLeafs.net.
SST updates
E-mail notification when there are new web updates from one of the Study-Service Term units (Goshen’s study abroad program).
Music Center events
If you would like to receive information about Music Center concerts and events by e-mail, you can sign up to MCEvents, the Music Center’s e-mail event announcement listserv. You will receive an e-mail once a week listing upcoming musical events and concerts. To subscribe, send a blank e-mail to:mcevents-subscribe@mailman.goshen.edu.
President Stoltzfus’ Distinctively Goshen blog
Goshen College President Rebecca Stoltzfus offers regular and intimate reflections on campus, interesting people she’s met, conversations she’s part of and higher education today.
Bulletin Points
Receive the monthly Bulletin Points email newsletter created just for Goshen College alumni, parents, employees and friends.
RSS Feeds

– GC news: press releases
– Event-related press releases. Here are many more event-related feeds.
– GoLeafs: Maple Leafs sports stories
See the individual SST websites for SST feeds
Privacy statement
Your e-mail address will be used solely for the purpose of sending you the e-newsletter(s) you choose to subscribe to. Goshen College does not make any other use of these e-mail addresses, nor is your address shared with any other entity.