Weather-related campus updates

2.6.25 — Campus changes today due to ice

Due to icy walkways and roadways, Goshen College will delay opening until 10 a.m. today. All classes scheduled to begin before 10 a.m. can be held virtually/online. Students should check with their professors for updates on those classes.

Employees can report to campus at 10 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. while grounds crews continue treating sidewalks, parking lots, and roadways.

Conditions remain extremely slick. If you must be on campus early this morning, please exercise extreme caution.

Thank you for your patience and stay safe!

General information regarding weather-related emergencies and campus closures

Because of our desire to best serve the educational needs of our students and the investment that they have made, the college normally only closes for weather when there is a state of emergency issued by public authorities and it directly impacts most everyone who travels to campus. If the campus needs to be closed due to an emergency (weather or otherwise), we will announce that on radio stations WGCS-FM (91.1), and on TV stations WNDU (Ch. 16) and WSBT (Ch. 22). As well, the college will use its emergency announcement system to send emails and text messages to students and employees, and it will also be posted on the Goshen College Facebook page ( and the Goshen College website (

If the college is closed due to a weather emergency, the dining hall will continue to be open for meals. The physical plant crew will clear snow from the sidewalks and parking lots after snowstorms. During normal workday times, the Physical Plant Office (535-7351) would know the status of snow removal efforts. If it is a weekend or outside of normal working hours, please call Campus Safety (535-7599) if you need to come to campus and wish to know if a particular parking lot has been cleared yet.

Though the college does not close frequently for adverse weather, above all, we seek to help ensure and promote the safety of all campus members during periods of hazardous weather or other adverse conditions. Therefore, students and employees are strongly encouraged to use caution and good discretion about traveling in such weather. We encourage you to make the decision that is right for you. If the college is open and you are unable to make it to campus safely for a class, final exams, or for work, please notify your professor, supervisor and other pertinent contacts.