¡Bienvenidos a Jinotepe!
The sign, directly across the Pan American highway from Casa de Goshen, says it all. We’ve been settling into Casa de Goshen and Jinotepe for the past two weeks. This has included finding our way to the mercado and Supermercado Santiago, learning to use the microbuses and taxis, getting Conrad started at Carazo Christian Academy in Dolores (a pleasant 20-min walk from the house).
With the able assistance of Dalena Taylor Pondler, our local program coordinator, we’re preparing to welcome the students in 12 days. Host families have been pleased to hear from us, the Spanish professors are prepared to teach vos, lecturers have willingly put us into their schedules, and service sites have been excited to hear about student interest. We’ll post more as life on SST unfolds in Jinotepe, Carazo, Nicaragua Summer 2010.