arrival and meeting families
These first days of arrival, orientation, and meeting host families have gone incredibly smoothly. And the weather has been unseasonably cool and comfortable, with rain falling several weeks earlier than locals say is common. The hills and low mountains between Managua (point of arrival) and Jinotepe (program home, located 45 km south along the Pan American highway) are already losing the browns of the dry season and starting to display the lush greens of the rainy season.
High points so far: watching geckos eat their supper (flying insects) while we were eating ours; already experiencing the welcoming friendliness of the people of Nicaragua; rice and beans (in various forms); “panqueques con miel” for breakfast; the fresh fruit and juices; listening to the rain; 15 of us piling into one microbus (that already had some passengers); the students finally meeting their host families and heading off for their first week-end in Nicaragua with everyone smiling.
Classes start Monday, and then we will hear all the stories about the first week-end. At least one student will be attending an engagement party.