Service: Jacy in Managua

Jacy is our only student who is on her own in Managua, and to quote her sister-in-law, “Everyone in the barrio knows Jacy. Everyone!!” With those words, we can confidently say that she is doing very well both at her work placement and with her host family. Jacy’s service assignment is at Escuela Gabriela Mistral in Barrio Grenada, in Managua. Her time there consists of working in a preschool classroom in the mornings and then teaching her own English class in the afternoons. While Jacy is with the preschool students, her role is that of a teacher aid. The teacher she works with was pleased to tell us that Jacy is well-liked and trusted by the students and that she pitches in and helps out in any way she can. Anyone who has been in a preschool room knows that you can never have too many extra hands. Jacy’s high level of Spanish also helps her in assisting the teachers and staff at the school with both instruction and discipline.
Jacy’s favorite part of the day however is in the afternoon when she gets to have a class of her own. The age level and number of students tends to fluctuate from day to day, but most students are eager to attend her class and practice their English. It was neat to see the students waving at her or giving her hugs while we were there. It was clear that she is well liked by all.
Another part of Jacy’s job gave her the chance to accompany teachers from the school as they walked around a neighboring barrio to talk to parents about the importance of education. They visited families in their homes, talked to parents about what benchmarks they should be looking for with children ages two to five, and then also reminded them of the importance of sending school-aged children to school every day. For Jacy, this was an eye opening experience and a chance to see the environment where many of her students came from.
We know she will continue to do well during her time at the school.
Jen and Lisa