Mother's day with Moisés Gadea

Mother’s day is celebrated in Nicaragua on May 30th, but the entire month of May seems to be about celebrating motherhood. As a special tribute to our host family mothers, we had Nicaraguan singer-songwriter, Moisés Gadea perform a concert for the mothers and the students.
Moisés started singing at age 12 and is known for his songs about social justice, hope, love and greed, and Nicaragua. In 2008 he won the Nicaragua composer of the year award.
It was an honor to have him with us. He focused on songs about Nicaragua and sang a song that he had written for his mother. In Nicaragua, we have noticed that there is a very special relationship between a mother and her son. We also enjoyed a song about the tortilla vendors.
The student’s Nicaraguan mothers enjoyed the concert with their “sons” and “daughters,” as well as cake and hibiscus drink afterward.