Batahola Norte Service Visit – Anna and Rachel

Anna and Rachel are spending their service time at Batahola Norte Cultural Center. Batahola Norte is a barrio on the northwest side of Managua. The center was started in 1983 by a Catholic nun from Cincinnati and a Catholic priest from Spain, and is now a thriving community center offering music and art classes to children, scholarships to college-bound students, practical skills training for under and unemployed adults, and a community library.
Both have plugged themselves into some of the many things going on at the center. Rachel works with the weekly theater class, and was busy preparing for an upcoming performance. Anna works with story time in the library and helping elementary age children with their homework. Both work as one-on-one English tutors for adults and assist with the weekly English class for teenagers and adults.
The day we visited was quieter than usual as the center was preparing a week of break from classes and most activities, so we not able to see them “in action.” But we heard high praise from their co-workers and other volunteers who have appreciated what they have contributed to the center over the last several weeks.