Final project presentations

On Thursday July 19, the 33rd anniversary of the end to the Somoza dictatorship, we met at Quinta Goshen after students had a few free hours with their host families. Due to the national holiday and the lack of public transportation, students returned from service a day early so we took advantage of the extra time and started presentations on the projects that the students completed while on service. We enjoyed learning about several different subjects including:
*Managua community cultural center
*Malnutrition in Nicaragua
*Childhood health and vaccinations
*Literacy in the 1980’s and now
*Alternative medicine on the East Coast
*Sustainable energy in rural Nicaragua
*Middle and High school education in Nicaragua
*Stories of women in Balsamo
*Women’s health and pregnancy
*Drug trafficking
*Public health, Malaria, and Dengue
*Poetry/Creative writing based on SST experiences
*Women and their role in Nicaragua
*Programs for children with disabilities
*Health care and disabilities
*Public elementary school education
*Women and sports participation
*Machismo and birth control
*Bilingual education
*Natural reserves of Nicaragua
We finished up our presentations after we arrived at our final retreat location, which is the subject of our next blog post!