My host family…a memorable moment

One memorable moment is when my host family came to cheer me on in the half marathon. I let them know about the half marathon a few days before it took place, but gave them little detail. I left for the run before my family was awake. I hadn’t expected them to come cheer me on, but about half way through the race I saw my father, mother, and brother drive past in our jeep.

They all three waved, smiled, and cheered. A few seconds later, I saw them driving the other direction still cheering. When I turned the next corner into Diriamba, they were standing there cheering for me. Then my little brother started running beside Erin and me. He ended up running with us for two miles or more as my host mom and dad followed along in the jeep.
When I came home from the race, my mother fixed me a plate of fresh fruit. My father told me that he wished I would have won, but I don’t think he was too upset. Thinking back on the experience with my family, I am very thankful for their support and love. I was touched by the gesture and display of care.