Fun Time with the Fam – 1st Communion!

The other weekend, my family went to my 8 year old twin nieces’ first communion. I knew there was going to be a family celebration afterwards, but I underestimated just how big it would be. What I encountered was a wedding reception-sized gathering with party games for the kids, plenty of loud music for dancing and a catered meal.
I really enjoyed the time of just sitting and laughing and having fun with my family, but still I couldn’t get over how big this gathering was. At the end of the party, everyone who was there got several party favors and huge pieces of the leftover cake to take home. After being there for 4 hours we finally went home.
I was exhausted but very glad to have had that cultural experience. My sister later told me that here in Nicaragua, they find any occasion they can and throw a massive party for it.