Psychology, Food and Art
Nestor Vergara is a psychologist and resident of Lima’s eastern cone. He works for the government ministry that provides services to women and children who suffer from domestic violence or sexual abuse. Mr. Vergara gave an eloquent and informative description of the social problems faced by those living in Lima’s marginal neighborhoods. And he illustrated his talk with photos of his own neighborhood, showing the progress made in the last few decades as homes built of straw mats or wood paneling are soon upgraded to concrete block or brick.
Next the students enjoyed a chance to learn how to prepare two well-known dishes: ceviche and papas a la huancaino. Chef Glicerio prepared dishes like these for clients at the Marriot Hotel in Miraflores. And he enjoyed introducing us to some of the best that Peruvian cuisine has to offer.
And then came the trip to Victor Delfin’s gallery and studio in Barranco. Mr. Delfin is a nationally-known artist who has mastered a variety of media. He is famous for designing pieces that portrait themes of social, political and historical interest. He is eccentric and fascinating, and after showing the students his latest work he sat down with them to share his views on life, love and education.