Back home again in Indiana
Members of Goshen College’s Peru Study-Service Term unit for Fall 2013 arrived back in Goshen Monday afternoon and enjoyed a joyous welcome from family friends and members of the college community. Becca Augsburger, Alan Leichty, Rudy Litwiller, Joshua Schlabach, Landon Slabaugh and Lauren Weaver arrived at the Newcomer Center by bus about 4 p.m. Jacob Putnam, our seventh student, ended his journey in Chicago, where he lives.

The flight from Lima to Houston, Texas left at 1:47 a.m. Monday – 47 minutes later than the scheduled departure. However, the flight arrived at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston with about two hours for the students to get through customs and make their connecting flight to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. After their arrival, six students boarded a college bus at O’Hare and were driven to Goshen.
Jacob wrote by email, “I am home. Everything went well. The flight was on time from Houston to Chicago. Customs was a breeze.” After arriving at O’Hare, Jacob made his way to his home in Chicago.
Campus News Bureau Coordinator Brian Yoder Schlabach, who took the great photos for this blog post, described the arrival of the six students in a brief email: “The SSTers returned, about half an hour behind schedule, but looking happy and perhaps slightly exhausted.” The weather was overcast and about 38 degrees Fahrenheit.

Director of International Education Tom Meyers echoed Brian’s observations in a concise email to Peru SST Co-Directors Richard R. Aguirre and Judy Weaver. He wrote: “The students arrived, tired, but in very good spirits. A small group of friends and family were present to greet them. Our work is done for this term.”
Amen and thanks to God.