Celebrating a birthday – Peruvian style
Seven of 15 students will have birthdays while in Peru during the Study-Service Term for Spring 2014. Since we will be taking a field trip Friday, we celebrated the first of those birthdays a day early.

We sang “Happy Birthday” to Malaina in both English and Spanish. She blew out a candle and then followed Peruvian tradition by cutting the cake – in this case, a cheesecake topped with deep-purple sauco (elderberry), a Peruvian speciality. It was delicious. Malaina said she appreciated the pre-birthday cheer and well wishes.

Students in this SST unit truly enjoy opportunities for celebrations and savor each other’s company. While on breaks, they tend to form one big circle – either standing or sitting – and converse intently until summoned back to lectures or Spanish class. They continued that pattern Thursday during the afternoon break and then while enjoying cheesecake and Malaina’s birthday (one student was under the weather and recovered at home). And all ate every last bite.