Join us as President Brenneman shares reflections from John 13:1-17 on themes of service.
Symposium: A Bridge Between Peace, Justice, Religion, and Community
Remembered with Love” – biology professor Jim Miller
This convocation will celebrate the contributions of biology professor James S. Miller to Goshen College over the course of his 31 year tenure here. It will include storytelling by colleagues and students and a slide show developed by Jim’s children accompanied by a recording of the GC orchestra tribute to Jim at their Oct. 22 concert. Jim’s wife Linda will speak on “Things Jim Would Have Said If He Had Known He Would Die Today.”We have mourned Jim’s death. This convocation will be a time to celebrate his life.
Chapel: “Grace on the Hyphen: Identity, Faith & Meaning” – Pete Menjares
Join us as Pete Menjares, Vice Provost of Faculty Development at Biola University, shares reflections from Ephesians 2:9-10 – “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Chapel – A Summer of Service Inquiry, led by 2011 SIP students
The 2011 Service Inquiry Program student participants will share of their summer experiences through singing, prayer, and sharing. 2011 SIP Participants: Alison Reist, Emily Hedrick, Josh Delp, Lynelle Yoder, Marcelle Al-Zoughbi, Mara Weaver, Rebekah Steiner.
BONUS Convocation: Tanzania SST, spring 2011
Students from the 2011 Tanzania SST unit will tell stories and describe people and places that taught them new truths during their semester in east Africa.
Convocation: “Sexual Violence: Empower Yourself to be Part of the Solution” – Kendra Yoder
The Campus Health and Wellness committee has invited Kendra Yoder to be our guest speaker for this convocation. Kendra has a MSW degree and is a PhD candidate. She is married to sociology professor David Lind.
Chapel – “My Story of Faith & Immigration,” Jaqueline Salamanca
Originally from the Mexican state of Guerrero, Jaqueline GarcÌa Salamanca is an advocate and organizer working in Veracruz state with the Jesuit Service to Migrants. She has worked tirelessly in migrant sending communities while also providing humanitarian support for migrants who are taking the dangerous journey northward. Most recently, she led 120 local volunteers through an intensive training program on how to create strong migrant support committees along a significant stretch of “la Bestia,” the deadly train that many thousands of Central American migrants ride northward each year in search of jobs and better lives for their families. Because Veracruz has become an important sending region for migrants, Jaqueline’s work has also been to help strengthen those communities left behind by organizing empowerment and support programs for women and families of migrants.”Migration has always been present in my life: my father left town when i was 4 years old and never returned. My mother l
Chapel – Service of Prayer & Anointing
Today’s chapel will be a service of prayer, singing, and an opportunity to receive anointing from student Ministry Leaders. A great way to end the first half of the Fall semester before we Break!
Special Convocation: Remembering Prof. Jim Miller
Singing, Silence, Reflection and Prayer. Responding in grief to the murder of biology professor James Miller.
Convocation: “Servant Leadership in the Public Sector”
President Brenneman will introduce candidates for Mayor of the city of Goshen, who will speak: Don Riegsecker, Republican, and Allan Kauffman, Democrat. They will also answer questions about Servant Leadership.
Chapel – A Summer of Ministry Inquiry, led by 2011 MIP students
The 2011 Ministry Inquiry Program student participants will share of their summer experiences through singing, prayer, and sharing with the GC community today in chapel at 10:00 a.m. in the Church-Chapel. 2011 MIP Participants: Ben Sutter, Beth Yoder, Erica Grasse, Grace Parker, Jonathan Harnish, Kate Widmer, Kelly Frey, Luke Slagel, Patrick Ressler
Convocation: “To Drink or Not to Drink?”
Various students will explore making choices in college. Sponsored by the Campus Health and Wellness committee (CHAW) and coordinated by Char Hochstetler, campus counselor.
Chapel – “Songs & Stories from Iona,” students Emily Hedrick & Stephanie Hollenberg
Students Emily Hedrick and Stephanie Hollenberg spent this past summer as “vollies” at the Iona Community in Scotland. The Iona Community is long known for their place of retreat and worship, and have enriched the world in these ways. Emily and Stephanie will lead us in chapel today at 10:00 a.m. in Church-Chapel through singing and story-telling.
Convocation: “Who Are The Mennonites?”
Steve Nolt, professor of history, will probe this question for our Goshen College context.
Chapel – “If I had a Hammer,” Kevin King, Mennonite Disaster Service
Kevin King, executive director of Mennonite Disaster Service, will engage our theme of “Serving Christ” today in chapel at 10:00 a.m. in Church- Chapel through sharing with us on “If I had a Hammer.” He will share a brief history on the beginning of MDS and what the factors were that caused the young people to risk starting this peoples movement that continues 60 years later. King will also share many personal stories of how MDS is more than just building houses, but rebuilding lives through ordinary men and women.
Chapel – Employee Faith Story by DaVonne Harris, RD for Yoder
DaVonne Harris, new RD for Yoder and director of campus activities, will share parts of her faith journey with us. Join us as we welcome her to Goshen College!
Convocation: “AVI Fresh, Unpeeled”
Bob Rombach will introduce us to the people and policies that serve our wonderful food on campus.
“Chapel – “Serving Christ,” Campus Ministries theme for 2011-2012
Come on out to the first chapel of the year today at 10:00 a.m. in Church-Chapel sanctuary. We’ll engage the Campus Ministries theme, “Serving Christ, through singing, prayer, and listening to reflections by Bob Yoder, campus pastor, and Emily Hedrick and Sarah Dieter, student chapel assistants.
Opening Convocation
Parables, the student worship group, will sing. President Brenneman will speak on “A Culture for Service Leadership.” We will all welcome each other to a new school year with applause and a treat in Schrock Plaza.
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