This service will be led by Profesor Deb Brubaker and members of her hymn leading class.
Images of Eve & Mary”
Prof. Malinda Berry & students,Professor Malinda Berry and students from the fall semester class with this title will present a convocation.
Anne Foerst, theologian and expert on artificial intelligence
Since the European Enlightenment, people in the Western world have understood themselves increasingly as individual minds capable of rationality and reason though hampered by their bodies and emotions. This understanding has been challenged by many different movements such as feminism, civil rights movements, inter-cultural dialogues etc. In my talk, I will contribute two additional refutations of this reduced view of humanity, one from Artificial Intelligence (AI) and one from a Biblical perspective. As strange as it might seem to combine these seemingly unconnected views I will argue that the cutting edge technology developed in Embodied AI is based on anthropological assumptions that are key for the Biblical view of humanity: our deeply embodied self, our fundamental sociability and our need to judge and create differences among ourselves.
GC Students Nicole Bauman, Melissa Gnagey, Hanna Jantzi, Pauline Thompson
The world we live in too often invites hopelessness. Wealth and violence and apathy and isolation, so much of what we see erects barriers between people–and it’s difficult to maintain the fervor necessary to respond faithfully. How can the church live out its mission of witness in this world without failing to receive the word in joy (Luke 8:13)? On November 17, five students will share stories and lessons from living together in intentional community and learning from others with experience. Life in community, we suggest, has the potential to truly bind us together in love. Life in community, even with its difficulties and dangers, teaches us to live ‘with glad and generous hearts’ (Acts 2:46), loving our neighbor and praising God.
Roger Shimomura, artist
Shimomura is the 2006 Eric Yake Kenagy guest art lecturer. His art–sometimes playful and sometimes poignant–often draws on his own experience, depicting Japanese-American cross-cultural interaction.
Students share their stories
Students from the Senegal SST unit will tell about their experience in that West African country.
Seminary campus pastor at AMBS
Janeen Bertsche Johnson, campus pastor at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, IN, will preach on “Finding Our Voice” from Mark 7:31-37.
Professor of Education, Kathy Meyer Reimer
Kathy will be joined by other education department faculty.
Professor John D. Roth
John D. Roth, professor of history, will share from his experience on the Appalachian Trail while on sabbatical last school year.
Professor Beverly Lapp and Terri Brenneman
“Hymn Sing: Jesus, Rock of Ages”, a service of songs and scriptures led by Beverly Lapp, associate professor of music, with Terri Brenneman. The focus of the chapel will be on who Jesus was and is teaching us to be.
Campus Announcement
President Brenneman and the other members of the President’s Council invite you to attend a special campus community gathering this Wednesday, October, 25 from 10:00-10:30. You will want to be a part of this campus gathering.
From the Holler to the Hill to Howell House
Will Jones is the new Vice President for Advancement at Goshen College. He is a fascinating story-teller with a remarkable life story.
No Other Foundation
Howard Keim, president of Hesston College (Hesston, KS) will preach on “No Other Foundation,” I Corinthians 3:11. Hesston College is a sibling institution to Goshen College in Hesston, Kansas. Others involved in worship include Talashia Keim Yoder (daughter of Howard), and Fjaere Harder and Isaac Hooley, who are Hesston transfers to GC.
faculty and students
Responses to the visit of Brian McLaren – students and faculty respond
Question & Session
Nationally-recognized Christian author and pastor Brian McLaren will speak on “Spiritual Formation in the Emerging Culture”. His recent books include “A New Kind of Christian,” “A Generous Orthodoxy” and “The Secret Message of Jesus.”
Lecture portion only
Nationally-recognized Christian author and pastor Brian McLaren will speak on “Spiritual Formation in the Emerging Culture”. His recent books include “A New Kind of Christian,” “A Generous Orthodoxy” and “The Secret Message of Jesus.”
Brian McLaren, noted pastor & author
Nationally-recognized Christian author and pastor Brian McLaren will also speak on “Spiritual Formation in the Emerging Culture” at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 12 in the Church-Chapel. Both meetings are free and open to the public. Some of McLaren’s books will be available for sale and signing after the evening meeting. His recent books include “A New Kind of Christian,” “A Generous Orthodoxy” and “The Secret Message of Jesus.”
Campus Counselor Char Hochstetler
Campus counselor Char Hochstetler leads this convocation about dealing with academic stress.
4 alumni speakers
Recipients of the 2006 Alumni Service Award share part of their faith journeys and how service has impacted it. Edgar Metzler (’52), Ehtel Yake Metzler (’46), Glen Miller (’57), and Lisa Koop (’99).
Guest speaker Cyneatha Milsap
Hosted by campus counselor Char Hochstetler and Student Senate. Guest speaker is Cyneatha Milsap, executive director of Family Services of Elkhart County. This convocation will launch the 2006 Clothesline Project, which calls all people to work together to prevent domestic violence.