The personality of a leader
Whatever personality we begin with, leaders learn to work with their personalities and beyond their personalities rather than be constrained by them.
Goshen College President Rebecca Stoltzfus offers regular and intimate reflections on campus, interesting people she’s met, conversations she’s part of and higher education today.
Email her: president@goshen.edu
Whatever personality we begin with, leaders learn to work with their personalities and beyond their personalities rather than be constrained by them.
One of the best things about working at Goshen College is the way our students trip a little light fantastic. There is nothing more fun than seeing the many ways that young people are their own illuminaries.
My visit to Ol’ Morani Ranch in southeast Arizona last month made me think about how we shape our environments, and how our environments shape us.
When we talk about diversity, we are talking about ourselves. And so, I concluded by stating some of the practices that I commit to, as we work toward greater equity and inclusion at Goshen College.
“What one word do you most need to embrace as you head into 2019?”
During this first year in office, I’ve realized that I would like to find even more ways to talk with more people in this great community.