My ‘Sabbath Christmas’ wish list
I am in need of a Sabbath Christmas. Maybe you are too. Here is my wish for all of us in this December of 2020.
Goshen College President Rebecca Stoltzfus offers regular and intimate reflections on campus, interesting people she’s met, conversations she’s part of and higher education today.
Email her: president@goshen.edu
I am in need of a Sabbath Christmas. Maybe you are too. Here is my wish for all of us in this December of 2020.
Inclusion is not a quick or easy journey. One public statement — by me or our governor — doesn’t complete the work. More than any formal statement, it is the ensuing conversations, relationships and deepened commitments that create inclusive community — the kind of solidarity that Pope John Paul II defined this way: “We are all really responsible for all.”
What one word is present in our mission, our vision and our core values statement? It is the word community. Here are three compelling voices on community, and why it matters so much to us.