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Join the Midwest Religion & Science Society or renew your existing membership using the form below.

Why Join?

The Midwest Religion and Science Society (MRSS) promotes effective dialogue among religiously diverse people interested in how religion and science encounter one another, while valuing different perspectives. The MRSS has separate chapters in each of the 7 affiliated colleges and universities. Our annual conferences at Goshen College and Andrews University serve as primary points of outreach to the wider community and engagement with current ideas in the religion and science dialog and contact particularly with students.

Membership in the MRSS provides shared chapter experiences in reading and discussion, as well as exchanges between chapters. Materials for these are provided by the MRSS. Membership also carries with it a decreased conference rate.

Create or Renew Membership

    Associate membership, in addition to supporting activities of the MRSS, provides up to $20 credit on books and materials used in local chapter discussions.

    Full membership, in addition to supporting activities of the MRSS, provides up to $20 credit on books and materials used in local chapter discussions, and a $25 registration discount for the Goshen Conference on Religion and Science.

    Full membership indicates a greater level of commitment to this venture.
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