Since 2011, Goshen College has made significant upgrades to campus in order to be a safer and more secure place to work and learn. Recently, we continue to install security cameras to improve public safety and to help combat crime and vandalism on our campus. In an effort to be more transparent about where our cameras are placed and their purpose, we’ve created this webpage to help address questions and concerns from the campus community. Included below is our policy for handling security footage and managing card access on campus.
We have a large campus in consideration to our student population and campus safety officer coverage. Theft and vandalism cost Goshen College and its students a great deal of money each year and continues to be a threat to campus safety. In recent years, students, faculty, and staff have become more aware of these threats and have requested that we install more security cameras to improve campus safety.
According to the most recent statistics available from the U.S. Department of Education, 86 percent of schools nationwide reported that one or more serious violent incidents, thefts, or other crimes had occurred at their school, for a total of roughly 2.2 million crimes. Campus Safety Magazine reported that of the more than 900 K-12, Higher Ed, and healthcare protection pros surveyed, more than nine out of 10 say their campuses have installed some type of video surveillance equipment. Of those, 79 percent plan on buying more camera systems in the next three years.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will there be someone monitoring these cameras 24/7?
No. However there are times when Campus Safety officers monitor inactive buildings to be certain no one is locked inside or have entered after lockdown.
Are the cameras recording? And if so, how long do you keep the recordings?
Yes, the cameras are recording to a server 24 hours a day and are held for up to 14 days before they are purged and overwritten.
Will cameras be used to solicit standards violations committed by students?
Absolutely not. Recorded camera footage will only be accessed when there is a probable cause that warrants an investigation by Campus Safety or Residence Life. Examples being: evidence of a crime, vandalism, or a reported physical threat to campus safety. They will never be used to target students.
How will the new cameras keep students safe?
Working as a visible deterrent, security cameras can potentially stop someone from committing a crime, theft, or vandalism. Security cameras monitoring parking lots and bike racks have been proven to deter and prevent theft on other campuses. Cameras will help curb vandalism on college property, thus reducing the number of fines charged to students for community billing due to the poor choices of others.
Security Camera System
& Key Card Entry Control System Policy
Goshen College is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the campus community by integrating the best practices of safety and security with technology. A critical component of a comprehensive security plan is the utilization of a Security Camera System and a Key Card Entry Control System. The surveillance of public areas is intended to deter crime and assist in protecting the safety and property of the Goshen College community.
To ensure the protection of individual privacy rights in accordance with the college’s core values and state and federal laws, this policy is adopted to formalize procedures for the installation of surveillance equipment and the handling, viewing, retention, dissemination, and destruction of surveillance records. The purpose of this policy is to regulate the use of camera systems and key card entry access logs used to observe and record public areas for the purposes of safety and security.
Goshen College Campus Safety has the authority to select, coordinate, operate, manage, and monitor all campus security surveillance and key card access control systems pursuant to this policy. Campus Safety and ITS Media oversee the implementation of this policy. Proposed policy revisions will be reviewed by Campus Safety, ITS Media, and the college’s Space Planning Standards Subcommittee on a yearly basis.
Key Card Access Control Systems
Key Card Entry Controlled Systems are installed at the following locations:
KMY residence hall floors, Connector Building, Romero Apartment entrances, Kulp Hall entrance and residence hall floors, Coffman Hall entrances, Schertz Computer Lab, Goode Library Multimedia Lab, ITS Media, Visual Arts east entrance, Music Center CSA entrance, south Union entrances, and the Rec-Fitness Center.
Key card entry-controlled systems are managed and maintained by Campus Safety and ITS Media. The director of Campus Safety determines all policies pertaining to key card access, privileges, and timings of all areas secured by key card entry-controlled doors. ITS Media manages all hardware/software installations, service agreements, and maintenance contracts with vendors and installers.
- All key card entry-controlled doors on campus are managed through “Access It!” networked software by ITS Media and Campus Safety.
- All residential spaces are card access only 24-hours a day and limited to residential students between 11 PM-7 AM.
- Key card access privileges are determined by Jenzabar Session Data imported by Student Life and Human Resources.
- All students, faculty, and staff have key card access to academic spaces and residential spaces during normal business operations.
- All keycard access-controlled door timings are determined by the director of Campus Safety and reviewed with ITS Media each semester.
- Campus Safety officers regularly monitor a live feed of key card access to assure the system is functioning properly and proper access is being granted to active cardholders.
- Access logs are stored indefinitely by the key card access software system.
Access Monitoring and Data Responsibility
Key card access logs can be compiled and reviewed by the director of Campus Safety for the purpose of aiding an investigation related to student/employee conduct, potential crimes, or security-related issues on campus. Requests to the director of Campus Safety for key card access history can be made by law enforcement, campus safety officers, campus conduct review boards, academic dean’s office, and Human Resources. All log request made for employee key card access history must be initiated and approved by Human Resources.
Security Camera Systems
Security Cameras are located in the following locations: KMY Connector hallways & 1st-floor lounge, KMY laundry room, KMY west bike racks and entranceway, KMY student parking lot, railroad crossing and tunnel stairwells, apartment bike racks, student apartment entrance ways, Coffman/Science bike racks, Kulp entranceway, College Mennonite Church entrance ways, hallways, and basement, Good Library, RFC, Music Center, ITS Media, Student Union, and WGCS.
Scope, and Privacy (Video Monitoring)
The locations where cameras are installed may be restricted access sites such as a departmental lab; however, these locations are not places where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Cameras will be located so that personal privacy is maximized. Audio from camera footage will not be recorded.
Security cameras may be installed in situations and places where the security and safety of either property or persons would be enhanced. Cameras will be limited to uses that do not violate the reasonable expectation of privacy as defined by law. Where appropriate, the cameras may be placed campus-wide, inside and outside buildings. Although the physical cameras may be identical, the functions of these cameras fall into three main categories:
- Property Protection: Where the main intent is to capture video and store it on a remote device so that if property is reported stolen or damaged, the video may show the perpetrator. Examples: an unstaffed RFC front desk, or a bike rack.
- Personal Safety: Where the main intent is to capture video and store it on a remote device so that if a person is assaulted, the video may show the perpetrator. Examples: a public walkway, or a parking lot.
- Extended Responsibility: Where the main intent is to have the live video stream in one area monitored by a staff member in close proximity. In this case, video may or may not be recorded. Example: dining hall, or public lounges with multiple rooms and limited staff.
For Property Protection and Personal Safety cameras, access to live video or recorded video from cameras shall be limited to authorized personnel of the department which installed the cameras, ITS Media, Campus Safety Officers, and other persons authorized by the director of Campus Safety.
All video camera installations will be visible and in plain sight. The installation of “dummy” cameras that do not operate is prohibited on campus. Camera positions and views of residential housing shall be limited. The view of a residential housing facility must not violate the standard of a reasonable expectation of privacy. All areas on campus monitored by security cameras are indicated so with signage stating “Closed circuit cameras in use at all times.”
Security cameras will never be installed and are prohibited in the following locations:
- Student residence hall rooms, ILC Homes, or apartments
- Bathrooms
- Locker rooms
- Offices
- Classrooms not used as a lab
No Goshen College personnel, including Campus Safety, regularly views LIVE surveillance of public spaces or active buildings unless there is probable cause to do so. However, Campus Safety will monitor cameras positioned inside inactive or closed areas to assure the safety and security of campus property after business hours.
Campus Safety will utilize RECORDED video footage for the following circumstances:
- To investigate a reported crime on campus or significant risk to public safety, security, and property as authorized by the director of Campus Safety.
- To assist law enforcement in a serious crime investigation that potentially took place on Goshen College property.
- To aid student/employee conduct investigations initiated by Human Resources, Student Life, Bias Matters Response Team, Title IX office, and Academic Dean’s office. All requests for camera footage to aid an investigation of any kind is done so to the director of Campus Safety.
Security cameras are recording to a server 24-hours a day and are held for up to 14 days before they are purged and overwritten. Security camera data management and ExacqVision software support are managed and maintained by ITS Media.
This policy does not address the use of Webcams for general use by the college (e.g., on the official Goshen College website). This policy also does not apply to the use of video equipment for the recording of public performances or events, interviews, or other use for broadcast or educational purposes. Examples of such excluded activities would include video recording athletic events, concerts, plays, lectures, or interviews of persons on campus.
Assimilation, Responsibilities, and Upgrades
Campus Safety, in conjunction with ITS Media, is responsible for the realization and assimilation of these policies. ITS Media and the director of Campus Safety are responsible for advising departments on appropriate applications of surveillance technologies and for providing technical assistance to departments preparing (their own) proposals for the purchase and installation of security camera systems or key card access control systems.
Campus Safety and ITS Media shall monitor developments in the law and in security industry practices and technology to ensure that camera surveillance is consistent with the best practices and complies with all federal and state laws.
Campus Safety and ITS Media will review and draft proposals and recommendations for camera installations and review specific camera locations to determine optimal and lawful placements. Proposals for the installation of surveillance cameras or key card access doors shall be reviewed by the director of Campus Safety and a designee from ITS Media. Campus Safety will conduct an evaluation of existing camera locations and incidents as necessary. Maintenance and testing will be the responsibility of ITS Media and the assigned vendor.
The director of Campus Safety will review any complaints regarding the utilization of surveillance camera systems and determine whether this policy is being followed. Appeals of a decision made by the director of Campus Safety will be made to and reviewed by the Dean of Students.
Most technology proposals will be initiated by Campus Safety to help deter crime in high-risk locations and assist in protecting the safety and property of the Goshen College community. However, individual departments, programs, or campus organizations (operating on their own) seeking installation of a Security Camera System, or a Key Card Entry Control System shall submit a written request to their appropriate dean or vice president describing the proposed location of devices, justifying the proposed installation, and identifying the funding source or sources for purchase. Proposals will be reviewed by the Space Planning Committee with final approval from the Budget Team as part of the annual budget development process. Once funding is approved, ITS Media will work with vendors and installers to ensure proper placement and installation of new hardware and software.
Reviewed by Space Planning Committee 1/24/2020
Recommended by: Deanna Risser, VP for Finance and Ann Vendrely, VP for Academic Affairs 1/30/2020