First stories and first French class
Everyone drifted back to the school this morning from their weekend with their host families. There are LOTS of stories — many of them funny communication snafus, some poignant, some hard. Everyone returned from the weekend having made a good start building good relationships with the people in their homes. The group shared these stories with each other and reflected on what we might learn from them. Telling stories will be an important part of the Senegal SST.
Fulgence was here for their first French class where students introduced themselves in French. There will be two French teachers and two levels of French so students can be in the class where they can most easily learn and move forward.
As sensible people do all over the world, we have a long break from noon to 3pm where everyone goes home for lunch and a rest. This afternoon we talked more about the articles that are assigned and the writing and reflection that is expected. We want students to develop their skills as good participant-observers and to that end groups of five were sent out into the neighborhood to record their observations and the questions that arise in an unfamiliar place.
Should take a moment here to just say that this is a phenomenal group of students. We are so pleased with the enthusiasm they have for jumping into these new relationships and their willingness to put themselves ‘out there’ and be stretched and to learn. We think this is going to be a great SST!
Everyone headed towards home for the evening after class. About 5:30 things are starting to cool off and the streets are full of adults and kids and animals and activity in the evening. It will get dark about 8:00-ish but since people often don’t eat until around 9:00 or later, there is plenty of time in the evening for talking or strolling or playing soccer or other games. I am sure there will be more stories in the morning.