Goshen College has dedicated resources to providing a safe and equitable learning environment for the campus community. All employees and students receive foundational information sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, domestic and dating violence through online training modules, while Title IX personnel receive annual training on best practice and legal frameworks for equitably addressing Title IX and gender equity issues. The entire campus receives annual updates to reporting processes and resources to support all students and employees who experience some form of sexual harassment.
Title IX Personnel receive annual training related to the resolution of Title IX issues and to specific roles: Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator, investigators, advisors, hearing panel, and hearing panel chair.
Goshen College has instituted other prevention education programs that may include but are not limited to:
- Presentations by the Title IX Deputy Coordinator about Title IX rights and protections, sexual harassment and assault, as well as the College’s Title IX policy, personnel, and procedures for reporting incidents of sexual harassment and violence at new student orientation (fall and spring semesters) to undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs, whether conducted on campus or online.
- Annual communication (by presentation or writing) about GC policy and resources on prevention of sexual harassment and assault, including a information, collectively or in specific employee groups) about employee duty to report as Responsible Employees or in more specialized roles, such as Officials with Authority Campus Security Authorities training per Clery Act requirements.
- Two- to four-hour trainings on bystander intervention by the Prevention Intervention Network open to all students, as well as required training for all student leaders. Trainings are available to other employee and student groups, including clubs, classes, and athletic teams.
- Annual campus-wide convocations or educational workshops about issues related to sexual harassment, sexual assault, and dating violence.
- Presentation to all new employees and annual review for all employees about GC policy and resources on sexual harassment and assault, and employee roles as Responsible Employees, Officials with Authority, and assist with Campus Security Authority training per Clery Act requirements.
- Department specific training about preventing sexual harassment as requested by specific departments, such as Theater, Music, Athletics, campus events, and leaders of global education and off-campus courses.
In addition to the procedure provided in this document, Goshen College will take steps to prevent sexual misconduct by:
- Integrating into Goshen College’s curriculum, staff training, and community programming initiatives designed to prevent sexual harassment, and to promote awareness and prevention of rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.
- Conducting campus climate surveys to explore issues, events, and attitudes relating to gender equality and sexual misconduct at Goshen College and using the results to inform education, policy revisions, and communication (See Institutional Research for link to specific surveys);
- Conducting annual training of employees related to their role and responsibilities in this policy and the procedures involve conducting impartial, fair and timely supportive measures and resolution processes for reports of sexual harassment or assault. These trainings will be conducted by qualified professionals and organizations to ensure the content of the training complies with the federal and state regulations and supports the College’s mission.
Since 2018, all students and employees are required to complete online training modules through Vector Solutions. Assignments provide differentiated education for new, returning, graduate, and adult learners as appropriate to their learning program. with different topics each year:
- Students
- Title IX Rights and Protections
- Sexual Violence Awareness (Campus SaVE Act)
- Sexual Violence Prevention for Undergraduate Students
- Intimate Partner Violence (VAWA)
- Creating a Respectful Campus for LGBTQ+ Students
- Sexual violence prevention for undergrad students (Stalking)
- Sexual violence prevention for undergrad students (Healthy Relationships)
- Employees
- Title IX and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees
- Title IX and Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Harassment: Staff-to-Staff
- Sexual Violence Awareness for Employees (Campus SaVE Act)
- Title IX and Sexual Harassment Prevention (Full Course)
- Title IX: Role of Employees
For questions about Goshen College prevention education and training, please contact Acting Title IX Coordinator Joe Springer at 574-535-7421 or joeas@goshen.edu.