Have you ever questioned how society influences your worldview? Studying sociology at Goshen College will take your natural curiosity and teach you the critical thinking skills needed to think outside the box. With personalized attention from experienced and knowledgeable faculty, you’ll have the chance to explore issues of identity, inequality, and social change.
Explore Your Interests as a Sociology Major
The sociology major at Goshen College will allow you to explore your interests and discover how you can use them to improve public and community life, both locally and globally. Our experienced faculty will provide you with the personalized attention you need to succeed.
GC offers many opportunities to apply the knowledge you learn in the classroom to real-world situations:
Sociology students could help to preserve a community’s cultural heritage or
Develop a plan for a community garden.
Interested in the Intersections of Faith, Society and Culture?
How do faith and sociology mix? Our Sociology Department focuses on the intersections of religion, society, and culture. Our program emphasizes critical thinking and research methods about social issues from a Christian perspective. Students in our program have unique opportunities to explore how faith informs their sociological perspective and understanding of key social processes.
Learn How Social Institutions Influence Your Worldview
Have you ever questioned how sociological theories influence your worldview, political sociology, and social science? The sociology program at Goshen College will nurture your natural inquisitiveness for conducting research and teach you the communication skills you need to think outside the box. You will get individualized attention from experienced and knowledgeable instructors who will help you explore topics like identity, inequality, and human behavior.
Our graduates have applied their skills to education, community development, church organizations, human resources, research, law school, and graduate school—all paths for expanding your worldview and improving public and community life at home or abroad.
Sociology Graduates from Goshen College go on to Graduate School and Beyond
After taking sociology courses in social research, social analysis, and cultural interpretation, you will be well prepared for graduate programs and careers that engage in social commentary. Many sociology majors have gone on to attend graduate school or seminary to pursue a master’s degree or advanced degree.
Graduates of GC sociology majors and minors have gone on to find career opportunities in the following fields:
Jes Stoltzfus Buller ’08 knows firsthand how messy the process of peacemaking can be. Shortly after graduating from Goshen College, Buller moved to Colombia as a part of Mennonite Central Committee's Seed program.
Jeanne Liechty discovered social work as a major and profession while serving a year of voluntary service in San Antonio, Texas. Today she is a professor of social work and department chair.
Lizzy Diaz '13 came to Goshen College to become a nurse, but changed her major to sociology to study the complexities of human societies. While a student, she was an athlete and traveled to Egypt for SST.
For Danny Klink '18, from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, helping others isn’t a hobby—it’s his future career. That’s why he declared a interdisciplinary studies major focusing on physical education, social work and sociology