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Study Abroad Scholarships

About SST

Making SST More Affordable

At Goshen College we understand that studying abroad can create a financial barrier for students. This page offers outside scholarships available to students who are interested in studying abroad through SST. If you have any questions please contact us.

Outside Study Abroad Scholarships

This scholarship is for federal Pell grant recipients only. It supports students of limited financial means to study abroad, as well as students that have been traditionally underrepresented in study abroad, such as students of diverse ethnic backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students who identify as LGBT. Scholarships of  $3,000 to 5,000 are available. Applicants studying a “critical need” language can apply for a supplemental Critical Need Language Award of up to $3,000 (Swahili, and Bahasa are currently on this list).

DUE date: This scholarship runs in 2 cycles: one due in October, and the other due in March.

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Boren Scholarships, funded by the National Security Education Program, provide funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Bahasa (Indonesia SST unit) and Swahili (Tanzania SST unit) are critical need languages that qualify.  Awards are up to $8,000 for a summer program (STEM students only) and $12,500 for a semester program. Boren Scholarships are awarded to academically strong applicants who wish to work in the federal national security arena. In exchange for funding, Boren Scholars commit to working in the federal government (Department of Defense, Homeland Security, State, or Intelligence Community) for at least one year within 3 years after graduation. Learn more

DUE date: The application cycle opens in August and closes in January for awards for the following academic year.

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A need-based scholarship that SSTers headed to Indonesia might pursue. We have had two students receive this scholarship.

Due date: This scholarship has a deadline well in advance of travel. Check the website in January 2025 to apply for the 2025-26 school year.

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If  you complete one online application,  you are considered for any of over 20 scholarships whose criteria you meet–as well as FEA’s scholarships. Must be a U.S. citizen.

Due date: The application period opens in July and closes in February of the following year.

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Rotary International is a community organization interested in promoting peace. Local chapters sometimes offer scholarships for study abroad. The Northern Indiana District 6540 awards one $8,000 scholarship each year for a student participating in a summer study abroad program. Successful applicants must be residents of Northern Indiana and sponsored by their local Rotary club. If you are outside this area, ask your local Rotary Club if they offer anything. Eligible students must also have completed at least two years of U.S. university or college study by their summer study abroad, remain abroad for at least six weeks and follow through on participation in Rotary events and speaking.

DUE date: Each December 25 for the following summer. Contact for more information.

You may find additional options here.