Bienvenidos a Goshen College!
Nineteen of the 20 Study-Service Theology Term students arrived this evening between 4 and 11 p.m., and spent most of their hours together settling into Miller dorm, hanging out in the Connector, and playing indoor and outdoor games. It’s a rather impressive group, with lots of positive energy and engagement!
In the group photo, 18 of the SSTT students are pictured along with program assistants Peter Paetkau and Gloria Showalter. Cade hadn’t arrived yet because of a long rehearsal for a musical program, and Noah will be coming Saturday after walking in his graduation ceremony.
We’ll be up for breakfast at 8 a.m., and then we’ll begin our orientation to the program, to Guatemala, and to thinking theologically at 9 a.m. Tomorrow evening we’ll be at the home of Keith and Ann Graber Miller, group leaders. Thanks for taking the journey with us!