Oriented and Ready to Roll
Today was another full day of orientation for the Study-Service Theology Term (SSTT) on Goshen College’s campus. The day began with breakfast, worship, and then a tour of the campus led by Interim Academic Dean Jo-Ann Brant. The tour took us to the Broken Shields sculpture by John Mishler, the fountain in Schrock Plaza, a Cabinet of Curiosities exhibition in the library museum, College Mennonite Church, the track, and the Music Center’s Sauder Hall.
Jo-Ann had planned different events at each site, including leaping photos, a team relay, singing and dancing on the Sauder stage, and posing in various settings around campus. A good time was had by all.
Our afternoon included presentations and practice of academic journal writing, again led by Jo-Ann, and then we finished the day by watching Chimamanda Ngozu Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story,” a TED talk that is useful for thinking about crossing cultures.
The group then opted to spend the evening at Goshen High School watching group member Cade perform with GHS’s show choir The Crimsonaires. They reported that the event was amazing. While that was happening, Peter and Nate drove to South Bend to pick up the final group member, Noah, who just graduated today in Washington, D.C., and had been given special permission to arrive late because of his commencement.
The group immediately welcomed Noah into the fold, and began a long conversation in The Connector, talking until late in the night. We’ll be up for breakfast at 8 a.m., have breakfast and a prayer of blessing, and then head for Chicago O’Hare Airport by 9:30 a.m. We’ll be traveling with Copa Airlines, so that means a stop in Panama City before heading on to Guatemala City. By 11 or 11:30 p.m. Sunday, we should be settling into the Semilla campus, resting up from a long day of travel. Thanks for joining us on the journey.