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Author: C. Arnold Snyder
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22 articles matched. Listing entries 11 through 20.
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Michael Sattler's baptism: some comments in reply to Heinold Fast. C. Arnold Snyder. 62:496-506 O 1988 (Listed under Fast, Heinold; K; Sattler, Michael, D. 1527; Snyder, C. Arnold; W) |
Orality, literacy, and the study of Anabaptism. C. Arnold Snyder. 65:371-392 O 1991 (Listed under Anabaptism; Literacy; Oral Interpretation; Snyder, C. Arnold) |
Communication and the people: the case of Reformation St. Gall. C. Arnold Snyder. 67:152-173 Ap 1993 (Listed under Communication; Reformation: Switzerland; Snyder, C. Arnold) |
Theological approaches and strategies, II: opening statements of five panel members. C. Arnold Snyder, Herman Bontrager, Octavio Cortes, J. Richard Burkholder, Gerald Schlabach. 58:424-430 Ag 1984 (Listed under Bontrager, Herman; Burkholder, J.R; Christianity And Politics; Cortes, Octavio; Economics: Religious Aspects; Liberation Theology; Revolution; Schlabach, Gerald; Snyder, C. Arnold; Theology, Anabaptist) |
Michael Sattler, Benedictine: Dennis Martin's objections reconsidered. C. Arnold Snyder. 61:262-279 Jl 1987 (Listed under Benedictines; Jodocus, Abbot; Martin, Dennis D; Monasticism And Religious Orders; Salvation; Sattler, Michael, D. 1527; Snyder, C. Arnold; Stift Melk (Benedictine Monastery); Theology, Anabaptist; Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516) |
Sources documenting Anabaptism in Z C. Arnold Snyder. 69:93-99 Ja 1995 (Listed under Anabaptists: Switzerland: Zurich; Snyder, C. Arnold) |
Konrad Winckler: an early Swiss Anabaptist missionary, pastor and martyr. C. Arnold Snyder. 64:352-361 O 1990 (Listed under Anabaptists: Switzerland: Zurich; Missionaries; Snyder, C. Arnold; Winkler, Konrad, Ca. 1500-1530) |
Zollikon Anabaptism and the sword. C. Arnold Snyder. 69:205-225 Ap 1995 (Listed under Anabaptists: Switzerland: Zollikon; Nonresistance; Snyder, C. Arnold) |
The monastic origins of Swiss Anabaptist sectarianism. C. Arnold Snyder. 57:5-26 Ja 1983 (Listed under Anabaptists: Switzerland; Anabaptists: Switzerland: Zurich; Benedictines; Monasticism And Religious Orders; Reformation: Switzerland; Sattler, Michael, D. 1527; Schleitheim Confession; Sectarianism; Snyder, C. Arnold) |
Biblical text and social context: Anabaptist anticlericalism in Reformation Zurich. C. Arnold Snyder. 65:169-191 Ap 1991 (Listed under Anabaptists: Clergy; Anabaptists: Switzerland: Zurich; Anti-Clericalism; Reformation: Switzerland; Snyder, C. Arnold) |
22 articles matched. Listing entries 11 through 20.
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