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Author: Harold S. Bender
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Mennonite Sermons:An annotated bibliography of published Mennonite sermons. Harold S. Bender & Nelson P. Springer. 27:143-157 Ap 1953
(Listed under Bibliography)
Mennonite Literature:Two centuries of American Mennonite literature: a critical bibliography of Mennonitica Americana, 1727-1927. Harold S. Bender. 1:1:34-53 Ja 1927; 1:2:46-72 Ap 1927; 1:4:61-74 O 1927; 2:16-55 Ja 1928; 2:125-150 Ap 1928; 2:207-224 Jl 1928
(Listed under Bibliography)
Marpeck, Pilgram:Bibliographical note: writings on Pilgram Marpeck. Harold S. Bender. 38:263-265 Jl 1964
(Listed under Bibliography)
Friedmann, Robert:A chronological bibliography of the writings of Robert Friedmann. Harold S. Bender. 35:243-247 Jl 1961; corrections and additions, 36:87 Ja 1962
(Listed under Bibliography)
Anabaptism:Recent Anabaptist bibliographies. Harold S. Bender. 24:88-91 Ja 1950
(Listed under Bibliography)
William Rittenhouse, 1644-1708: first Mennonite minister in America. Harold S. Bender. 8:58-61 Ap 1934
(Listed under Bender, Harold Stauffer, 1897-1962; Mennonites: Pennsylvania; Rittenhouse, William, 1644-1708)
The theology of Conrad Grebel. Harold S. Bender. 12:27-54 Ja 1938; 12:114-134 Ap 1938
(Listed under Bender, Harold Stauffer, 1897-1962; Grebel, Conrad, 1498?-1526; Theology)
Who is the Lord? Harold S. Bender. 38:152-160 Ap 1964
(Listed under Bender, Harold Stauffer, 1897-1962; Jesus Christ; Mennonite World Conference)
Was William Rittenhouse the first Mennonite bishop in America? Harold S. Bender. 7:42-47 Ja 1933
(Listed under Bender, Harold Stauffer, 1897-1962; Mennonites: Pennsylvania; Rittenhouse, William, 1644-1708)
Was the authorization of William Rittenhouse to perform baptisms equivalent to ordination as bishop in the Mennonite Church? A reply to Dr. Kephart. Harold S. Bender. 18:55-58 Ja 1944
(Listed under Bender, Harold Stauffer, 1897-1962; Mennonites: Pennsylvania; Rittenhouse, William, 1644-1708)
96 articles matched.
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